
Jede Generation lächelt über die Väter, lacht über die Großväter und bewundert die Urgroßväter.

William Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965), englischer Erzähler und Dramatiker

Transmission and transliteration of your Old German texts

Sending your documents
I’d appreciate if you could send me either good copies per letter or photos or scans of individual pages in a good quality and contrast.

I can receive 15 MB per e-mail. If your attachments are larger, please send them in several e-mails.

My work
In the first step, I’ll check if your documents are readable (sufficiently legible) and can be transcribed by me.

When I am able to transfer your documents, you’ll receive an offer within the next 24 hours. This offer depends on the expenditure of time, on the level readability; as some handwritings might be particularly difficult; and size of pages as these vary depending on the time in which they have been written.

I will start the transcription after receiving your confirmation on my offer.

In the unfortunate case that your documents are not legible, I will notify you and there won’t be any costs.

My service
Of course you may choose the format in which you’d like to receive your transcription. I offer pdf per email or a paper printout on acid-free paper. The final text will allow you to follow word by word, line by line, page by page. Words that have been indecipherable are marked in the transcription/transliteration.

For my work I am using numerous historical sources and dictionaries. Hence, foreign words or words that are no longer used, as well as time references, will be explained in a footnote in present-day meaning whenever possible.

Please feel free to write or call me. I’ll be happy to answer any questions that might arise in advance.

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