
Wer in der Zukunft lesen will, muss in der Vergangenheit blättern.

André Malraux (1901 - 1976), französischer Schriftsteller und Politiker

Studio for Transcriptions - Transliterations of texts and old German scripts like Sütterlin, Kurrent or Kanzleischrift into our present-day writing

Dear readers,

I am pleased you are visiting my homepage.

I translate your historical, old German documents such as letters, deeds and contracts into our present-day script.

Strictly speaking, it is a transfer or transcription, because the texts are in German.


Often parents or grandparents have preserved historical letters, field mail and old German postcards as a memory of the deceased generations in the best possible way.


Contracts of purchase, court files, marriage certificates, land register extracts, insurance certificates or tax registers often reveal a lot about the life and possessions but also about the needs and fears of deceased generations.

Poetry albums, school exercise books and report cards, as well as postcards, pay books, military passports and field post, allow us to share in the events of times gone by.

Scientists provide insights into their research work thanks to their letters to colleagues.

Handwritten texts are then quickly referred to as Sütterlin, but Sütterlin script was only taught in German schools from 1915 - 1941. In the centuries before, writing was mainly done in Kurrentschrift, also in Kanzleischrift. 

Are you in possession of old scriptures form your ancestors? Do you have the need to transcribe scriptures in your museum, office or archive? Are you wondering which secrets these old documents might reveal?

With each
transcribed document we are able to form a deeper understanding for our ancestor’s past. It is my passion to support you on your time travel. This applies to the collaboration with museums, offices and archives as well.


Convince yourself of my work and allow yourself to be inspired.

Kind regards,

Yours Sandra Baecke

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